TalkRadio - Leaving During Lockdown
We hear from a survivor who left during lockdown and the expert support available.
With thanks to Michelle from Women’s Aid and Mark Grimes from The Liberty Centre
Help and Support:
CALL 01823 334244
Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence
Weekdays 10am to 4pm
Women’s Aid live chat is on the Women's Aid website.
National Domestic abuse helpline 08082000247
Samaritans 116123
Call 999 if in immediate danger
Undiscussable has been backed by the Audio Content Fund for a special 8 part series with national radio station TalkRadio in the UK. It is on every Friday during drivetime at 6:30pm featuring interviews with survivors from across society and includes live discussion and expert support.
We will still continue as a podcast and bring you all the shows from TalkRadio on Sundays and continue to share survivor stories. If you would like to get in touch with us confidentially please drop us a note at or through my website - Thank you for continuing to come along this important journey with us!